Sunday 29 March 2020


Without the Third Person of The Blessed Trinity, God the Holy Ghost who proceeds from God the Father and God the Son there would be no Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The mass of the Holy Spirit of the Holy Catholic Church is the continual and perpetual Holy Sacrifice of Calvary re-presented to God the Father in a mystical manner.
Which mass is the mass of the holy saints and which mass is the mass of the holier saints? Presumably a holier mass gives us holier saints. Or is there only one mass of the saints?

Our Lord Jesus Christ knew, when he instituted his one, holy, continual and perpetual mass in 33AD that he would allow it to be brought to an end on the 3rd day of April 1969, by the truly amazing Pope Paul VI, who gave us not only a new improved order of holy mass but even an all new improved holy order. In other words he gave us an all new improved Catholic priesthood with his seven improved sacraments.

Again, how utterly amazing was Paul VI. What other "Pope" ever dared to improve on Our Lord Jesus Christ our High Priest forever, the only priest of God the Father, who always was, is now and forever shall be world burning without end.

The world burning without end may be much closer than we think.

How amazing is it that the whole world, Catholic and non-Catholic alike is now obsessed with hand washing and keeping our bodies safe from Covid 19 so that even the New Order mass of 1969, which is 50 years old today has been given short shrift by Almighty God.

Maybe he wants to remind us that "soul-washing" is infinitely more important than any kind of body washing and that we should never forget that only those who have been reborn immaculate by means of his one only true baptism of water have any hope of avoiding the everlasting fire which he prepared for the devil and his angels.

His one immaculate baptism is for the immortal soul what air and water are for the body - essential for eternal life in heaven.

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